It'd been two years since I had been really sick. Sick to the point where I couldn't get out of bed and medicine didn't seem to help anything. Worst yet, I had not taken any medicine other than Tylenol and Benedryl since before I had become pregnant. My body was not happy. It took longer to get well than I had expected and it frustrated me (and Dave as well, I'm sure).
So here we are six days after the clock gave way to another 12 months of change. No blog post since Christmas, behind in everything from days-worth of work to the pile of bills and paperwork to piles laundry and more flagged emails than I can handle. I'm not one of those people that looks forward to the new year with great expectations, it's just another day of numbers changing on a calendar. We don't do a big celebration, we don't go crazy when the ball drops, and it's a struggle to stay up that late these days. However, I look at any transition as an opportunity to better any situation and re-evaluate life. So even though it's the 6th, life has fallen behind schedule, and I'm still on the mend, there's no excuse for not trying to make something better by setting goals for myself.
Let's not call these new years resolutions. Let's call them: thing's I'd like to work on to make my life better... that just so happen to fall around the time of the year that people happen to also make such changes... or at least make an attempt at changing something in their lives. Here we go:
1 - The obvious one that everyone makes... work out more. Getting to the gym two times a week is a hell of a lot harder than you'd think. At least for me, my motivation hits a high when it's inopportune and a low at the perfect time. Three months 'til a wedding, time to get it together.
2 - Be more decisive. I am extremely indecisive, I make quick decisions under pressure then later regret it. What to eat for dinner, where to go this weekend, whether or not to start a project now or later, or which outfit to wear today. Dave is also indecisive and so we spend a lot of time deciding instead of doing, I can't ask someone else to change for the sake of my bad habits. It's time to take control and stop teetering my scales with pros and cons. Time to look at situations as a whole and figure out what is best without questioning myself.
3 - Better my posture. This is MUCH harder than I thought. It's something I have been working on for months, so I guess it's not really a NEW resolution, but it's something I want to continue to work on for myself. Unfortunately, crouching down to chase a toddler all day takes it's toll on progress. Maybe by the time she's 5 and taller...
And now back to regular scheduled blogging. Happy new decade!
"Song of the Entry"