Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hey what?

Hey-Tec! Hey-Tec! Hey-Tec!

Now run back and forth with the dog screaming that over and over and over.  Hey-Tec is the name of the game Lilli created for when we play fetch with Taz.  Maybe it was just her mispronunciation of Hey-Taz, but it has stuck for a while now.

Lilli has quite the imagination on her, she's oozing with creativity and sometimes I'm at a loss to how to direct it.  Luckily, she has found many outlets on her own.  She names her new gifts, no matter what form they come in.  She comes up with things on her own, without our help.  She even gets mad if you try and add your two cents.  "Myself, Mommy. Myself, Daddy." Words that are growing more and more common around here.

Next she came up with Beepbo, a game we played on the patio where we throwing a ball through the gap in her swing on our patio, back and forth to each other.  Then there is Heinie, the way too phallic looking water growing pet she lovingly brings to every tea party.  Laaah, the sun shaped balloon Dave bought her. Thats L-AH not La.  She will correct you.
And of course, there's Gar, the name of the alligator bath puppet.  The first of the named creatures she has ever imagined from before her second birthday.  We thought it was a noise she was making, but it too has stuck.  Even more strange, turns out, Gars actually exist! They're an alligator looking fish that's mean as hell. Ironically, the personality Gar has encompassed has uncanny similarities to a mean old alligator fish.

And lastly, my favorite of her creative exploration, the many songs she makes up every single day.  Her favorite, of course, is Roll Out the Door Ball! Roll Out the Door! Personally, I think she might be looking at some copy write issues with Ludacris.