Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Watched pot

Twice today, someone said to me "wow, she's getting so big!" These are the people that see her once a week or more. I looked down at her and thought, wow she really is... It came as a shock. How could I have missed it? She's become a tall, lanky, often clumsy, kid.

Some days it seems like she wakes up taller, walking around awkwardly for a few hours or days. Bumping, running into, and falling over anything in her newly sized path. Since we are together so much, it escapes me to notice from time to time.

It's not that I'm not paying attention, measuring, observing and straight up gawking at the wonder that is my child. It's borderline obsessive how closely I watch for any minuscule change in her life. However, from time to time it strikes me, usually by someone else's point of view, how much change has happened in such a very short amount of time.  When did it all happen? When did she go from being a toddler to a kid? Soon enough, she'll be walking out the door on her way to class.  Luckily, for now, there are just toy cars and magnets in that backpack...