Working at home has it's advantages and disadvantages. Most of the time I'm able to schedule a morning activity before lunch. Lilli takes a late nap, between 2 and 4 p.m., and sleeps from two to three hours. I get the majority of my work done during those hours. And what ever is left over, I finish once Dave comes home. Although we go out about three times a week, some days it's just too hot, I'm too tired, it's raining, I have work to do, the house needs to be cleaned, or I just don't feel like spending the two hours trying to get out the door just to turn around an hour later. When we do have to stay inside, I always feel so guilty. Most of the time I try and find a few fun activities to keep her entertained inside. We color, trace our body parts and name them, paint our toenails, or do the laundry together (her choice to help not mine). We build forts or fill up the baby pool on our patio until she dumps too much water out and it starts to pour on our downstairs neighbor's patio. And some delicious days, we bake.
Lilli loves to help to stir the batter, taste test the frosting and most of all enjoys the fruits of her labor.
"Song of the Entry"