Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Every once in a while I notice that Lilli has picked up on something I never noticed either Dave or I do until I watch it through her actions. She has the same taste in foods, similar personality traits, and makes the same faces as we do in certain situations. We've passed along a lot of our "-isms" to her without even noticing.

It shouldn't be surprising, considering we are the main teachers in her life. Somehow, it always amuses me to hear her gasp when she drops something or furrow her brow in the same way as Dave when he's debating. The most amusing of the "-isms" that we've passed on make me giggle every single time.

When we sit on the patio, Lilli finds my favorite chair (which happens to be my beach chair because it's low to the ground and reclines) and climbs on to find a comfy spot. When she's done adjusting herself she lets out a loud "Ahhhhhh..." Every. Single. Time. I had never noticed it was something I had done until she mimicked it.

Another strange gesture she's picked up from me is a thinking one. When deciding or waiting for me to figure out what she needs, she will tap her pointer finger to her chin (sometimes it goes in her mouth, but you get the idea) and hums very loudly "Hmmmmmmm..." It wasn't until I did it and she copied over and over that I realized she picked it up from my repetitive habit.

How have I never noticed that I do these things before now?! It's unbelievable that I have gone so long without ever noticing my own strange "-ism." It made me wonder what other strange habits and gestures she will pick up in the future.

A few things I thought of when being concerned about the bad habits she may pick up:

  • Q-tip Obsession: not being able to go even one shower without cleaning out my ears.
  • Second Shelf Syndrome: a habit I picked up from my BFF in college, only choosing the second item on a shelf because the first one is somehow tainted.
  • OCD: I put her in the car seat, drive to the end of our complex, drive back to the house, take her out of her car seat, check the lock, repeat. I know it's insane.
  • Trying Face: Many people have asked me "why do you look so angry?" while I work hard on something. My trying hard face. Sometimes accompanied by a "it's difficult" face. If you've seen them, you'd know.
  • Concentration Tongue: Dave can't play his guitar without sticking out his tongue. Even when concentrating to not do it, eventually he forgets.
  • Child-like sitting: also known as sitting criss cross apple sauce.
  • Singing out loud, even if it's the wrong words.
  • Naming inanimate (and animate) objects: Usually given proper names. (e.g. Mr. Squirrel, Mrs and Mr. Duck, Mr. Car)
We're a weird group and we've succeeded in passing on the little things to a new generation. I wonder how this will effect her in the long run. When she grows up, will people ask why she does the things she does and have only her parents to blame? Which things will stick? Which ones will she embrace and which will she resent us for passing along?

She may end up with bad knees and hips from sitting with her legs curled under her. She might get funny stares when she concentrates. She could learn to play her favorite instrument with her mouth wide open. There are some personality gifts we will be proud to have given her. She will always have clean ears, her doors will always be locked, she'll sing her favorite song loud and proud even when she's made up her own lyrics, and every animal she meets will feel special because they will be formally addressed.

"Indie Song of the Entry"

Sideburns by The Kabeedies