When I was little, I wanted so badly to be unique in my tastes. My mom's favorite color was blue, one of my cousins was pink, and so on. I tried to pick one no one else liked. Not because I liked it, but because no one else did. My favorite New Kid was Danny. My favorite color was a regretful, hunter green. My favorite cartoon character was Felix the Cat.
I fell into this pattern through out my entire life. I think it has a lot to do with who I am now. As someone who reflects on their life, sometimes a little too much, I make an effort to really figure out what I prefer. Unfortunately for me... I'm a Libra and VERY indecisive.
I watch to see what Lilli chooses. I like to remember the things she loves because I find it so incredible that she is able to have a preference, after being such a blank slate at birth. With knowledge and experience, does it become easier or harder to choose? How many times do you change your preferences in a lifetime? Is it nature or nurture?
I think it depends on the situation. Lilli loves her Augie Doggie and Beverly Bear, goldfish snacks, being held upside down, the window to our porch, her pets, and her parents. Just in case I forget someday.
* Do our preferences shape us or do we shape our preferences?