Monday, April 11, 2011

Conversations with Lilli

"Are you ok? What are you doing, Lilli? Taking a break?"
"No! I sleeping with Mini-bike!"

If you watch Yo Gabba Gabba, you know Mini-bike is the name of Jack Black's ride when he visits Gabbaland.  One rainy afternoon, I decided to make Mini-bike's costume out of some construction paper... He has since taken on a personality all his own, voice included (thanks, Dave).

Every day, Lilli goes outside on the patio, places "Mini-bike" on it's side with a toy flower and sets him up for his "rest" before she starts her own. Mini-bike is woken up each morning, put to bed each night, joins us at meals (even gets his own dishes some days), watches her favorite shows with her, and most importantly, is told every detail her her day.  If something amazing happens she says, "When I get home, I tell Mini-bike!" She hugs him more times a day than she hugs us, she lays with him and chats, he gets more attention than I do most days.  Today, I accidentally hit the bike with a lego and she made me apologize to him...

Thank you, Jack Black.